Research Approach

The first step aims to perform preliminary works, led by FRACS, dedicated to:
The elaboration of the state of the art of the existing solutions and algorithms related to landing site automatic selection and trajectory generation.
The definition of the use cases to be addressed by the project as well as hypothesis to consider.
The definition of the first specifications and the trade-offs to consider.
Then research works are focused on two main topics: Landing site generation & classification and Trajectory generation.
The Landing site generation and classification topic, led by CGX AERO, aims to:
Study the needs in data to feed the system. This study addresses data sources availability and characteristics for both static data (data evolving at the rhythm of AIRAC cycles, such as Aeronautical Information Publication data) and dynamic data (data evolving at the scale of a flight, such as meteorological data). A specific focus is put on meteorological data, handled by our partner METSAFE, which are of great importance for the flight safety and which must be updated all flight long.
Design and prototype the ground sub-component of the Landing site module, in charge of:
Gathering and maintaining input data up to date.
Generating a worldwide landing site database including off-airports landing sites.
Creating a landing site classification depending on site characteristics.
Creating a worldwide “constraints” database, representing constraints to the trajectory generation, e.g., terrain, aeronautical obstacles, airspaces to avoid, meteorological hazards.
Design and prototype the on-board sub-component of the Landing site module, in charge of:
Selecting and ranking the best suitable landing sites in function of the aircraft position, aircraft range and meteorological information.
Selecting the constraints (terrain, aeronautical obstacles, airspaces to avoid, meteorological hazards) to consider.
Sending this information to the Trajectory Generator.
Updating meteorological information regularly.
The Trajectory Generation topic, led by ENAC and UPC, aims to generate the best suitable trajectory to reach the input landing site, in function of the input constraints and the aircraft performances, considering the potential degradations due to the emergency. Research is focused on:
A Path Planner, to determine the 2D path of the aircraft considering the landing site and the constraints.
A Motion Planner, to add the third and fourth dimensions to the trajectory, considering the aircraft performances.
Ways to send the computed trajectory to the extended FMS.
Following independent validation steps performed on the components, they are integrated and deployed on an Ad-Hoc Simulator. This simulator will allow a first validation of the SafeNcy system and to run the use cases defined primarily. Development of the simulator and validation activities are led by UPC.
It is important to mention that our consortium has adopted an iterative methodology, monitored by CGX AERO, to specify, develop, verify, integrate, and validate the system. This iterative methodology involves an Advisory Board acting as a client for the solution (refer to the “Consortium” section for further information), in particular with former pilots from airlines or general aviation, safety and human factors experts, etc.
Finally, a Safety Assessment is run all along the project with EUROCONTROL as a leader.
The SafeNcy User Story

This project has received funding from the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 864771. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program and the Clean Sky 2 JU members other than the Union.