AIP-GIS Charting®


Recognizing the need for procedure designers to rapidly create data driven charts (SID, STAR, IAC, etc.) from newly designed procedures, CGX AERO has developed an extension of Data4Flight® called Chart4Flight® that enables production of charts (SID, STAR, IAC and Engine-out SID), fully compliant to the ICAO Annex 14 regulation for symbology, layout, etc. This extension allows procedure designers to quickly create “Project Charts” using the Data4Flight® database in which aeronautical data can be imported from a variety of sources (GéoTITAN® xml, AIXM 4.5 or AIXM 5.1, ARINC 424 or 816 files...) or manually created using the core tools of Data4Flight®.
AIP-GIS Charting® is a software application for Aeronautical Charting allowing editing, update, and publication of Civil/Military charts, in compliance with ICAO Annex 4.
AIP-GIS Charting® main features:
Advanced chart production:
Built on ArcGIS, the world leading GIS software by ESRI,
Direct link to AIXM central database,
Preserves data integrity.
Cartographic data tools:
Chart Temporality management,
Cartographic feature creation,
Data driven elements (Off view trajectory, Profile View, Dynamic tables…).
Product Management:
Comprehensive Charts and Templates document management,
Robust symbol library,
Advanced labeling,
Rule based symbol and text generation.
Quality control:
Automatic identification of changed features and Impacted charts,
Report generation,
Workflow Management.
Pre-configured ICAO Annex 4 templates,
Customizable for cartographer specific requirements.