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Image de Luis Villasmil




Since June 7, 2018, CGX AERO is officially a member of the Bpifrance Excellence network. This recognition gives us:


  • National and international recognition (positioning, innovation, growth potential)

  • Specific support from BPI France teams (great reactivity to our requests + advantageous conditions)

  • The ability to access prestigious meeting rooms in Paris free of charge for our export clients

  • Invitations to thematic meetings, events and training


As part of Aerospace Valley competitiveness cluster, CGX AERO, among the founder members of the project GAIA Shared Virtual Sky®, is also a member of certified SimCA projects (Airport Driving simulator). Path4Flight® certified by Aerospace Valley and SAFE Cluster ( aims at developing a ground/on-board solution for automatic Artificial Intelligence generation of flight trajectories for helicopters from aeronautical, geographical and meteorological database collected on a real-time basis.

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The Occitanie region has been continuously supporting CGX AERO in all innovation and evolution process and efforts since several years.  This support has been widely contributing in CGX R&D projects such as Path4Flight ( Being fully based within the Occitanie Region, CGX AERO is supporting local economy efforts and regional excellence competencies building and promotion.


Involved since year in the global Europeen effort towards innovative, sustainable and efficient solutions, CGX AERO has been involved in several Clean Sky R&D projects such as FIVER and Safency.

These projects main objectives are the definition and promotion of a safe, smart and green aviation.  


For many years, Thales LAS and CGX AERO have pooled together their respective expertise in AIS and AIM domains to provide civil and military aviation authorities with comprehensive aeronautical information management (AIM) systems compliant with latest ICAO and Eurocontrol standards (ADQ) and including a centralized AIXM 5.1 Database.

Thales’s unrivalled expertise in ATM systems together with CGX AERO proven record of successfully delivering AIM enables Civil and military aviation authorities to increase capacity, boost safety and deliver superior services within their airspace.

Thales - Building a future we can all trust (

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For more than 10 years, CGX AERO and Airbus Defense and Space (ADS) collaborate together in the field of eTOD and AMDB (Airport Mapping Database) data acquisition and consultancy pooling together their strong respective experiences.

We especially worked together on some projects in Thailand that were related to the production of eTOD databases (Terrain & Obstacles) over several airports in compliance with ICAO Annex 15 requirements for Area 2. eTOD compliant dataset were provided by Airbus Defese and Space for CGX AERO.


Through its Intelligence Business Cluster, Airbus DS is recognized as one of the leaders in the geo-spatial information market, successfully pooling an unmatched access to Earth observation satellite imagery with a unique expertise and decades of experience in one single operational organization.

Airbus - Home - Aerospace pioneer


France Aviation Civile services (FRACS) has collaborated with CGX AERO on several projects related to Airspace design restructuration (Sudan, Latin America, etc.)


FRACS is an Economic Interest Grouping founded by the French Civil Aviation Authority (DGAC), and the French University of Civil Aviation (ENAC).


FRACS provides worldwide consultancy services, defines operational concepts, identifies prospective technologies, technical solutions and applications to various aviation clients: civil aviation authorities, airlines, air navigation providers and airport authorities.

FRACS provides support in the fields of regulation, safety oversight and air navigation to meet the ICAO and EASA standards, reinforce operational performance and reach capacity building strategic goals.


CGX AERO and its partners GEOMOD, NEXIO and CSTB have been working together since 2017 on multiple opportunities linking their respective domains of expertise, i.e Geographical / Aeronautical Information System and Navigation on the one hand, and Electromagnetism and Propagation on the other hand. They complementary expertise allowed them to participle in the provision of an CNS simulation system to fulfil Thales NAS requirements on an Electromagnetic Simulation software dedicated to Air Traffic Management.

We brought our existing COTS library and sourced technologies, the most agile, reliable and innovative solutions to build a customized and evolutive solution: EM4Flight® (ElectroMagnetic Simulation for Aeronautical Environment).


NEXIO® has established itself as the leader in testing, design and simulation issues in the field of electromagnetic compatibility, lightning, Radiofrequencies (RF) and even Radar Equivalent Area (SER).


A strong and complementary partnership allowed us to develop a CNS simulation system to fulfil Thales NAS requirements on an Electromagnetic Simulation software dedicated to Air Traffic Management. It resulted in the development of the most agile, reliable and innovative solution EM4Flight® dedicated to ElectroMagnetic Simulation for Aeronautical Environment.


Geomod is a software developer and distributor for terrestrial and marine geomatics founded in 1995.

Geomod develop scientific applications with high added value. In particular, Geomod has been collaborating with the CSTB for twenty years on the development of the Mithra software composed of MithraSIG for acoustic and MithraREM for Electromagnetic field.


Together with CGX AERO, Yieloo has developed intra'know AERO, which is a declination of Yieloo’s collaborative platform solution called intra'know. Intra'know AERO aims at better meet the airports’ market expectations in terms of Safety Management System (SMS), Risk Management, Security maintenance, Compliance follow up and maintenance etc.

15 airports are already equipped by this very innovative IMS Software.


Yieloo develops and maintains a collaborative platform solution called intra'know that offers:

·       A functional coverage made of collaborative oriented services and module

·       A high level of customization (configuration to specific requests)

·       High possibilities of interoperability (via API Management) with external IT Solutions


Since 1976, the GAMBA Group has been developing its activities as acoustic and vibration design office, finding application in construction, industry, transport, the environment and wind power.

CGX AERO calls on GAMBA's expertise for various projects: balanced approach, environmental studies or heliport construction in which there is a need for an acoustic service:

·       Acoustic impact study on the Sens hospital helipad (Center hospitalier, 89108, France)

·       Study of the acoustic impact of new restrictions for night planes (Nantes Airport)

·       Acoustic support at Paris Airport (CDG and ORY)

·       Strengthen protection against noise pollution on behalf of EuroAirport (Bâle-Mulhouse airport)

Schools and Laboratories

The French Civil Aviation Academy, ENAC, is one of CGX AERO’s historical partners since its creation.

ENAC being an international academic reference in aeronautical training, it shares with CGX AERO its experience and skills and they both benefit from each other’s expertise to enrich their training catalog, (AIS to AIM workshop, flight procedure design training, theoretical training etc.)


ENAC and CGX AERO also share their expertise in software development.

PANS-OPS Units of both entities are known for their wide-ranging and exhaustive experience in procedure design, in training and information technology. This experience has been put to work in creating a software dedicated to design IFR procedures GéoTITAN®.


CGX AERO began to be the exclusive commercial distributor of GéoTITAN to become then the main solution developer.


ENAC also participated together with CGX AERO in developing a software for GPS RAIM prediction service called SAT4Flight®.


CGX AERO and its partners GEOMOD, NEXIO and CSTB have been working together since 2017 on multiple opportunities linking their respective domains of expertise, i.e Geographical / Aeronautical Information System and Navigation on the one hand, and Electromagnetism and Propagation on the other hand. They complementary expertise allowed them to participle in the provision of an CNS simulation system to fulfil Thales NAS requirements on an Electromagnetic Simulation software dedicated to Air Traffic Management.

We brought our existing COTS library and sourced technologies, the most agile, reliable and innovative solutions to build a customized and evolutive solution: EM4Flight® (ElectroMagnetic Simulation for Aeronautical Environment).



CSTB (French Scientific and Technical Center for Building) is a state-owned company with an industrial and business purpose, with more than 1,000 employees. Its research and development department includes 170 researchers.

The Acoustics Vibration Lighting and Electromagnetism division possesses recognized expertise in wave propagation for more than 40 years. It provides both software solutions and test facilities.


CGX AERO benefits from a privileged link with the French DGAC, which provides us with the support and regulatory knowledge to develop its software products in accordance with European and international standards, and thus participate in air transport safety.


On the one hand, the DSNA / DGAC regularly tests the functionalities of GéoTITAN® (procedure designs) in order to validate the software. It also has dozens of GéoTITAN® licenses distributed in the various poles throughout France, and carries out its procedure design work with our software. On the other hand, DSNA / DGAC helps CGX AERO to determine and develop the ground validation aspects of flight procedures.


In addition, one of the missions of the DSNA DTI "Flight Control" pole is to in-flight search for sources of frequency interference and to participate in their identification, which gave birth to AiRFInder® (Airborne RFI DEtection and Radiolocation), result of a collaboration between the French DGAC and CGX AERO.


According to article 4 of the decree of 3 March 2005 on the organization of the DSNA: the Technical and Innovation Department (DSNA / DTI) is responsible for the study, development, purchase, reception and technical verification of communication, navigation, surveillance and air traffic management equipment and systems and those used for the provision of aeronautical information services, implemented by the Directorate of Air Traffic Services air navigation, both at national level and international cooperation, subject to purchases, receptions and installations entrusted to the operations department.


GUIDE-GNSS is a testing laboratory specialized and accredited in geolocation.

It provides all types of services intended to assess, validate or certify the performance of terminals using GNSS technologies.

GUIDE-GNSS uses the best suited metrology techniques to conduct tests in real or simulated environments; the tests aim to best represent the situations under consideration.

GUIDE-GNSS contributes to the deployment of air navigation systems based mainly on satellite technology. GUIDE-GNSS contributes not only to the deployment of PBN, and thus to the development of airports, but also to better aircraft instrumentation. GUIDE's contribution greatly supports our PBN services.

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