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Light, Green and Sustainable Air Mobility Week


CGX AERO is taking part in the "Light, Green and Sustainable Air Mobility Week" dedicated to the light air mobility of tomorrow, its projects and their actors.

This event, organised by Aerospace Valley, is part of the MAELE (Mobilité AErienne Légère et Environnementalement Responsable) initiative, launched last November, with the aim of bringing together a community of innovative regional players in the field of light and low-carbon air mobility.

In the context of the unprecedented health and economic crisis affecting air transport, the aim of this new event is to continue to bring together innovative regional companies, to encourage exchanges within this community and to federate these players in order to bring about projects

The programme for these days, which will take place in the Occitania and New Aquitaine regions, will include the presentation of innovative regional projects, technological issues, general aviation markets and infrastructures in the sector. These meetings will also be an opportunity for various players to exchange views during conferences and B2B meetings on topics such as: energy and fuelling, batteries, dual fuel, fuel cells, hydrogen, safety, operators, materials, aircraft lightening, aerodromes, noise, training, maintenance, financing fleet renewal, etc.

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